Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I Don't Know Much About Mr. Haggard, But . . .

When a Brother Falls . . .

It’s easy to point the finger,

Even easier to wag the head,

But unless we learn their lesson,

It might be us instead.

For when we judge our brother

Instead of judging his sin,

We’re falling right into the trap,

And Satan’s won again.

The Stronger should help the weaker,

Fallen need help getting up,

If this we will remember,

Satan’s plans we will disrupt.

“For ye who are without sin

Start casting the first stone,”

And before you know what’s happening

You’re standing all alone.

So drop the stone from your hand

And instead of walking away

Drop to your knees beside the one

Who can wash the sins away.

Jesus wants the entire world

To come to his repentance

And he can wash away your sins

Before I finish this sentence.

So, become your brother’s keeper,

And set him on his feet,

Making your tomorrow brighter,

When his sins you don’t repeat.


1 comment:

gregstier said...

Greg Stier here. My wife and I read your post on my blog and wanted you to know we were praying for you and your little girl this holiday season. May God wrap you both in his arms of comfort.