Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I Don't Know Much About Mr. Haggard, But . . .

When a Brother Falls . . .

It’s easy to point the finger,

Even easier to wag the head,

But unless we learn their lesson,

It might be us instead.

For when we judge our brother

Instead of judging his sin,

We’re falling right into the trap,

And Satan’s won again.

The Stronger should help the weaker,

Fallen need help getting up,

If this we will remember,

Satan’s plans we will disrupt.

“For ye who are without sin

Start casting the first stone,”

And before you know what’s happening

You’re standing all alone.

So drop the stone from your hand

And instead of walking away

Drop to your knees beside the one

Who can wash the sins away.

Jesus wants the entire world

To come to his repentance

And he can wash away your sins

Before I finish this sentence.

So, become your brother’s keeper,

And set him on his feet,

Making your tomorrow brighter,

When his sins you don’t repeat.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Remembering Sondra

You know, next to meeting Christ and developing a relationship with Him and His people,
Sondra has been the next greatest thing in my life. The intimacy of spirit where you both understand and are understood creates such a oneness that living any other way is loneliness in comparison. Although death did part us, it is difficult to let go. One tries to hold on to memories lest they be forever forgotten. That is one reason I started the blog "Remembering Sondra". The best way to release my mind is to record it. And I want to share her. Keep checking back, it will grow. And please, add comments about her if you knew her. I'm sure Lily will enjoy any stories you may share. She loves stories about her Mommie.

Remembering Sondra

Friday, November 17, 2006

". . . to know we're not alone!"

In a movie about C. S. (Jack) Lewis,
he learned from a student a statement:
"We Read to Know We are Not Alone"
I think that is also true of Blogging:
The reader can identify with the blogger
and realize he isn't alone in his feelings/experiences.
But when there are no comments at the end of our Blog
we still think we are alone!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Purpose Driven" ain't no Chauffer!

I think there is some confusion among well meaning conservatives about the whole Purpose Driven Church initiative. Purpose Driven doesn’t refer to Purpose being the Driver, as in the one in control of a car, as if it was taking the place of the Christ as head of the church or the Holy Spirit as the Leading the church and Christians in general. Purpose Driven is more the way a car is gear driven or engine driven. The purposes are Biblical and are the mechanisms that God uses to get things done in the church. Evangelism, Ministry, Fellowship, Worship, and Discipleship: These need to be present and active in every healthy church, no matter what you call it.

I think if this analogy has a Chauffer, it would be the church's pastor. Because a chauffer doesn't decide which way a car goes, he is a servant and he takes the car where his boss tells him they're going. After all, it is Christ's church and he left it in charge of the undershepherd: the Pastor. He communicates with him through the Holy Spirit and His Word, the Holy Bible.

What do you think?

I like an analogy I heard the other day: Many times we find our spiritual boat drifting and we can't seem to steer it correctly! Well, we aren't supposed to be at the rudder, or the wheel. We are supposed to be at the oars, cause Jesus don't row boats. When we set out to work for the Lord, he will give us direction. We need to work out what he has worked in us, and He will complete it!

Am I getting close?

Let me make it clearer, You can't steer a boat that ain't moving. When we start working the oars, God can guide the boat!

Tell me what you think, that's what the comment button is for!